Advert: Invitation to apply for betting licenses




The Gambling Authority (The Authority) is progressing the process of licensing Betting (Totalisator and Bookmaker) in Botswana. This notice serves to invite prospective Applicants to submit applications for Bookmaker (Bookmaker Route Operator, Bookmaker Site Operator, and Bookmaker Independent Operator) and Totalisator Licences in terms of the provision of Section 33(d) and (l) of the Gambling Act, 2012 read with the provisions of regulation 66 of the Gambling Regulations of 2016.

The RFA document is a guidance document that shall be used to provide information on the process and the information required from Applicants to be assessed for the award to the successful operators.

Potential Applicants are notified that the RFA document is available for purchase from Monday, 5th June 2023 at 1200noon (Central African Time – CAT) upon receipt, by the Authority, of a document purchase fee of BWP2,500.00. (Two Thousand Five Hundred Pula)

Follow the process below to obtain the RFA document:

    1. Email to [email protected] stating that you wish to purchase the RFA document.
    2. Upon receipt of your e-mail, the Authority will e-mail to you a form with its banking details.
    3. Pay the requisite document purchase fee into the stipulated bank account. The payment will be Strictly
      by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
    4. Complete the supplied form and return it to the Authority via the above e-mail address.
    5. Upon receipt of your completed form, and after confirming your payment, the Authority will provide you
      with a temporary pass code to the Virtual Data Room (VDR) to access the RFA document.
    6. Follow further steps as explained in the RFA document to comply with the application process.

The closing date for the purchase of the RFA document is 7th July 2023 at 17h00 (CAT).
***NB: A compulsory Applicants’ Conference is planned for the 20th July 2023***